Monday, March 17, 2014

Expression Yourself- 50p

1. Attention Getting. The face expands and makes itself visible to grasp attention.
2. Lonesome. The face becomes long, and lone, making itself like a "one".
3. The face has a arrogant attitude to it, trying to make itself a bit shine in a "curvy" manner.
4. "Oh really". The face has a skeptical and non-believing manner to it, nodding in to knowing more than whats expected.
5."Bummed". The face is disappointing and slouching, not hopeful and depressed after a disappointment.
6. MAD. The face is making itself known, and nodding in as if attacking anothers space.
7. Nefarious Mad Scientist. The face has a scheming quality and is looking with discernment.
8. Sincere. The face has a considering manner, and seems to want to give a reassuring strong feeling.
9. Contemplating. The face is reserved, thinking on some deep matter.
10. Depressed. The face is down and out, crying, have made himself uncontrollably vulnerable and open as evidenced by the soft frontal and open hole at the back of his head.

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